I had spent my time in MPH Bookstores again at Gurney Plaza, Penang a few days ago.
Searching and searching....
I'm trying to search for a meaningful book so that i can use it in future.
Yeah... finally found this book, "Happiness In Hard Time" by Andrew Matthews that had attracted me!
They think they're happy but they're not!
It's not about your age, it's about your attitude!
When we forgive ourselves, we stop criticising other people!
Every person who talk into your life is a teacher.
Happy people welcome change. They're the guys who say: "why would i even my next 5 years to be like my last five?"
Next time you want to tell yourself i can't happy because.... ask yourself: "Do i know that is absolutely true?"
With both physical and emotional pain, when we keep doing the same thing, it keep hurting!
Every time you say a silent "Thank You", you will become more peaceful and more powerful.
Successful people tell themselves:"if i make the most of this opportunity, i'll get a bigger one!"
Even if they drive you nuts, they reach you because they show you where your limits are. Just because people are your teacher doesn't mean you have to like him.
From the new book:
A lot of people will tell you, "I really want to be happy!"But what do they think about?What do they dwell on?What do they talk about?"
When you really want to be happy, you quit complaining about your arthritis.
When you really want to be happy, you quit resenting your boyfriend. Maybe you leave him, maybe you don't, but either way, you throw out your mental list of all his faults.
People become addicted to misery and complaining.
Mary says, "Well this happened so I have to talk about it." No you don't, Mary!
You don't have to eat everything you see and you don't have to talk about everything that happens.
When you really, really want to be happy, here is what will happen:• you will think about things that make you feel good• you will talk about things that make you feel good.
You become what you think about.
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Newsletter #59: Happiness
On a bicycle ride around the world, my friend Aden stopped awhile in a West African village to help build a bakery. Aden said:
It took us several months to build the bakery. We made the bricks from crushed anthills. Every day the village children came to help.
None of the kids had shoes but one happy little guy always wore one sock - no shoes, just a sock. He was about 10 years old. I called him One Sock.
Eventually my curiosity got the better of me. I said, "One Sock, tell me about this sock you always wear."
He said proudly, "My Mum washes it every night. I wear it every day."
I said, "Yes, but why do you wear one?"
He seemed surprised by my silly question, and then he smiled broadly and said, "Because I only have one!"
Happiness comes from focusing on what you have, not on what's missing.
Newsletter #58: How We Progress
Do you worry about making mistakes?
Then consider the astronaut.
If you are an astronaut, driving a rocket to the moon,
you spend ninety percent of your time off course.
You get off track, you correct.
You get off course, again you correct -
and eventually you hit your target.
If you quit correcting, you miss the moon!
As in outer space ... so in cyberspace:
To build a successful website,
you have to keep correcting.
You monitor your traffic - and continually correct.
Eventually you succeed.
It's the same with any project and any relationship.
You get off track. You make adjustments.
Success doesn't travel in straight lines.
Mistakes are how we progress, in science and even art ... Let me show you an example:
I just drew a portrait of President Obama. Go to YouTube and you can see it unfold before your eyes in a 1 minute movie.
And guess what! It's just one correction after another.
Relevant websites about Andrew Matthews:
After finished reading, my stomach started to growl. Haha... then i walk around the food court to find something to eat.
Guess what?
Yes, you're right! Is sandwiche... Ham and chicken sandwiches....
Around the restaurant....
haha... after satisfied my dinner then i feel bored and nothing to do, so capture self pictures....
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