
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

It Could Happen to You!

My friend share a news in facebook. I get shocked when i saw this news! And i quickly share out let you know. The story begin....

The typical Merdeka Eve night started with an urge to watch the fireworks celebration in KLCC ended up in a racist attack by a group of teenagers. So, me and a friend of mine thought of a good solution to avoid the traffic jam in that area by walking from the office in Jalan Imbi through Pavillion, to Jalan Kia Peng through Convention Center to KLCC.
Sounds like an ideal plan as the path is a frequent walkway and is even advertised in Pavillion as 'Bridge to KLCC'. (Just to note that we didnt go into any dark alley)

At 10.15pm, we started walking towards Pavillion, stopped to get a drink at Starbucks and proceeded ahead. As we walk, we came across people from various races and foreign tourists along the way.

On Jalan Kia Peng, we walked past Novotel Hotel, Hakka Restaurant, Menara HLA and was reaching the junction of Jalan Pinang when a group of about 10 teenage Malay youngsters walking from the opposite direction. They looked like typical youths, giggling and talking to each other.

As we walked past them, suddenly one of them turned around and started to make a flying kick to my friend. Noticing the 'fun' he is having, his other friends started to do the same to me. It was so sudden and all I was thinking at the moment was, "What the hell did we do to them?"

Both of us ended up kneeling on the ground for a moment before more kicks and punches came flying in. Even though both of us had our tripod strapped across our shoulder, we were too shocked to react to it. Eventually one punch landed right on my right forehead and I started to bleed profusely. Seeing that they eventually stopped and walked away.WALKED AWAY, damn it. They were not even afraid to run but just WALKED AWAY like winning a game or something.The last thing I remember hearing from one of them was "Baliklah ke negara asal" (Back to your own country)
Imagine hearing this statement on Merdeka Eve.

I knew I was bleeding but I didnt know how bad. I could feel the right side of my head swollen and wet but I did not try to look at myself through a mirror. My friend also suffered bruises on the body and face.  By that time there were more people walking around us but they did not stop to see what was wrong. I don't blame them, it was a poorly lit area just in front of Menara Pinang. We recovered and continued walking towards the Convention Center. The guards were symphatetic to let us in to use the washroom to clean up. It was then I saw my bloody face.

I did not take a picture of myself then as it is not my intention to send a horror message. This is not a message of sympathy. It's a account of a random person walking on a street.

Eventually after cleaning up, we walked back to the Police Booth in Pavillion to relate the incident. The response from the officer: "This cannot happen, we have all our men on the streets" (Well, not on the street we got beaten up ...)

Apparently informing the police booth stationed in a public area is NOT MAKING A POLICE REPORT. WTF? Apparently we have to go to a Hospital, get some treatment and make a complain/report at the police counter there. I would be dead by then, ain't I?

Is this how the police maintained that they have improved  street crimes? By not noting down petty crimes like gang bang which did not result into hospitalization? Would we be taken seriously if only we landed in the hospital?

What we did was, we went back to the office, rested til this morning, went to a nearby clinic to get some bandages and medic.What else to do? I can't identify my assailants, and my wounds are not death-threatening.

If I had not wanted to celebrate Independence Day, would I walk or drive to the venue?
If I was not thirsty would I stop for 5 mins to get my drink and missed them completely?
If I had held my tripod as a defensive weapon earlier, would I save myself or get more beating instead?
If I'm not Chinese, would I get the same 'treatment'?

All I want to say in the end is ...
Forward this to your friends (so that they will be careful on the streets)
Forward this to your 'friendly police' (so that they know the procedure is wrong)
Forward this to any politician/newspaper (so that he/she can be the champion for highlighting this to the government)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Happy 53rd Merdeka & Malaysian Day!

You don’t celebrate merdeka like this nowdays.

Tonight as the clock strikes 12pm, every Malaysian will be wishing each other Happy Merdeka. It has been 53 years since we have our own independent day stretching back to 31 August 1957.
What does Merdeka means to you?  

To me it is about growing and sharing as you move along your own personal journey of life. And be truly thankful that as Malaysian we are still united in one accord and 1 Malaysia.

May God continue to bless this nation and see it transform into a better country for all Malaysians regardless of colour and races.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Knowledge of Happiness.


A vital piece of information is just like the missing piece in the jigsaw.

You may have had that piece with you all that while, but until you know that it's supposed to fit into the jigsaw, your picture will never be complete.

Just like how Happiness may have always been right next to you, but you never realise it till it is revealed.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why me?

Moods that take you, then erase you. Words that fall through, then fool you. Reasons that move you, then bereave you.
Everything was just a plastic protocol.
Everything was just an illusion.
An illusion of a mirage of Hope and Love.
It was your human emotions, that were altering the truth.
He gives Life to Lives as a gift with great Love.
He designed Life to require the aid of other Lives.
He designed me, to aid you.
Why me?
Yes, me.
Because I don’t need you to leave the drama behind you and move into light. You can just come to me.
You don’t have to see the upside of things and be ready. You can just come to me.
You don’t have to leave the blame behind you and create the life you want to live. You can just come to me.
You can just come to me, and allow me to help you.
Because I’m here to aid you.
Just to aid you.
Sometimes an angel needs help too.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Really inspiring! It just touches your heart...
True perfection has to be imperfect. There is a huge power in this performance!



Wednesday, August 18, 2010

7 Days to Greater Happiness' Course Summary

I just received one e-mail from Andrew Matthew. It is about the greater happiness course summary! Enjoy reading~

From Andrew Matthews: 

Hi zzhen, 


A month ago you did the "7 Days to Greater Happiness" course. 

A quick reminder: these were the 7 KEY IDEAS ... 

1. Look for good things in every situation. 

2. Support yourself. Say only positive things about yourself - or nothing at all. 

3. Do what you can in the present, and postpone worry. 

4. You forgive people for your benefit. (You don't have to agree with what they did!) 

5. Paying compliments makes you focus on positive things. It makes you HAPPY!  

6. Instead of making DEMANDS on life and people, have PREFERENCES. 

7. Commit your goals to paper. Break your BIG goals into "bite-sized" pieces.

Monday, August 16, 2010


七夕情人节是两个人的甜蜜,但是对于仍单身的我来说又是代表一个人的孤单与淡淡地伤感。也许你的爱是双人床,但此刻你的心却还是单人房。伤心了没有依靠的肩膀、偶尔做一顿饭菜还没人陪你品尝,情人节自己给自己买礼物,要装作听不见爹妈的唠叨嘀咕,还要忍受破坏婚姻家庭平衡的社会控诉。想旅行,背上行囊就可以出发;想潇洒,没人要你负责没人让你抓瞎;工作、玩乐两手抓,越单身,魅力越足,仍然有很多人追逐,和谁约会都不会受到束缚。随时可以结束单身生涯,但决不因单身而痛苦。都说单身不容易。没人疼、没人爱,寂寞对健康还有害。还有人说单身是公害,可谁又真正想做公害,做公害多半出于无奈。 即便你不是单身,也请你多一点理解:单身是一种生活状态,单身也有单身的精彩!七夕情人节的单身们,快乐单身,单身快乐! 

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Soldier homecoming surprise.

I started tearing up when i saw the first girl. i was so touched by the little girl in the santa hat because she said words that would touch any parent which was "i missed you" and "i love you". I cried so much that i dont think i have any more tears left in me. So touching and makes me feel bad for those who have loved ones out in the war right now. I pray that our troops come home safe and sound and that their families await their safe arrival. GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS!!! 

There is no better feeling in this World than when someone you love jumps into the air and into your arms, holding on to you for dear life, suspended above the ground, pressed against your body, and knowing that you both will never let go. This video made me cry--beginning to end. Very touching. Nothing is like the love between a parent and child. God bless the military men and women as well as their families. They hold such a special plase in my heart. Pray for them!



我不懂得随便说话 制造话题




没想到 还是不行

失去的 秒 分 钟 追不回了

看开 到底是什么东西?
最痛苦的失去 是当你失去一个你爱的人


但现在 又不知道从哪开始

让我心里一下子感受到 。。
喜悦 悲伤 感激 担忧


最近在看一本书‘Have a Little Faith’
I walked a mile with Pleasure;
She chatted all the way;
But left me none the wiser
For all she had to say.

I walked a mile with Sorrow,
And ne'er a word said she;
But, oh! The things I learnt from her,
When Sorrow walked with me.

- Robert Browning Hamilton


Saturday, August 14, 2010

Setting Our Heart Right!

Setting Our Hearts Right
To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order;
To put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order;
To put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life;
We must first set our hearts right.
PS: This is the great concept from one point to an universe, to change universe we have to change ourselves, to change anything one has to change oneself!
It all starts with the heart when you have a pure and beautiful heart your view of the world and life is filled with beauty and happiness.
Your heart tells story of the kind of person you are.
Keep a close tab on your heart and always do proper filtering on the things that get attached to it.
Keep it clean,pure and filled with good always and I tell you life will be sweet that you go to bed smiling every night.

Breaking Boundaries.

What have i been busy with?
I'm not sure.. college life.. meeting friends.. living a normal life?
Some of you mentioned my tweets are a little "abstract". Well, i suppose sometimes. We just need to pull ourselves out of everything to understand normalcy..
But it comes a point in time when you need to just break it. break boundaries... Do something you've never imagined you would. That's where i'm heading. i hope...

Have you ever wanted to do something but never found the time to? Or never found the courage to?
Have you ever made a million and one excuses for not doing it?
Have you ever wished you didn't even have to think about it?

We probably just want to pack and go sometimes but we're held back by so many things and we don't want to lose the attachments. So how do we strike the balance? How do we handle it the way it should be? Do we ever know? Will we ever know?

Life's lesson.

I learn, as the years roll onward
And leave the past behind,
That much I had counted sorrow
But proves that God is kind:
That many a flower I had longed for
Had hidden a thorn of pain,
And many a rugged bypath
Led to fields of ripened grain.

The clouds that cover the sunshine
They can not banish the sun;
And the earth shines out the brighter
When the weary rain is done.
We must stand in the deepest shadow
To see the clearest light;
And often through wrong's own darkness
Comes the very strength of light.

The sweetest rest is at even,
After a wearisome day,
When the heavy burden of labor
Has borne from our hearts away;
And those who have never known sorrow
Can not know the infinite peace
That falls on the troubled spirit
When it sees at least release.

We must live through the dreary winter
If we would value the spring;
And the woods must be cold and silent
Before the robins sing.
The flowers must be buried in darkness
Before they can bud and bloom,
And the sweetest, warmest sunshine
Comes after the storm and gloom.

- Unknown

Blank Beauty

Beautiful blank pages
kiss our
with backgrounds
that demand precision.

Our black letters cross
on tightrope lines,
without wavering
across deep, invisible currents.

These beautiful blank pages
are promises of our
Our gentlest strokes
of darkness upon light.


I've always loved the piano... came across this and thought i'd post it here... Enjoy!

This music is extremely touching and I love the animation. Music really is the key that unlocks the mind. I love it.

Thursday, August 12, 2010







PS: 还有5天就是我的死期了!但想到可以回到一个自己生活五年,满满回忆的地方,还是会很期待那一天........

False Hope.


现实中,有谁不喜欢听好话,有谁不爱False Hope?



10 Facts About Men.

A friend shared these facts about men with me yesterday, and I thought that they were hilarious!
david beckham
Here are 10 facts that Women need to know about Men:
1. I am in shape! ROUND is a shape!
2. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.
3. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. That’s what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.
4. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument..
In fact, all comments become Null and void after 7 Days.
5. Whenever possible, Please say whatever you have to say during commercials. We don’t disturb you while you are watching your soaps and serials.
6. Ask for what you want.
Let us be clear on this one:
Subtle hints do not work!
Strong hints do not work!
Obvious hints do not work!
Just tell us what you want!
7. Christopher Columbus did NOT need directions and neither do we. 
8. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," We will ! act like nothing’s wrong.
We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle!
9. When we have to go somewhere, absolutely anything you wear is fine… Really!!!
10. You can either ask us to do something Or tell us how you want it done. Not both.
If you already know best how to do it, just do it yourself. 
And finally thank you for reading this..
Yes, I know, I have to sleep on the couch tonight;
But did you know men really don’t mind that?………
It’s like camping!!! haha....

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Art of Speaking.

I saw this in website and was amused.
Amazing amount of wisdom in a small picture frame. It’s something I strive to do better every day.
Here’s the English translation -
The Art of Speaking.
Matters that are urgent: Speak slowly.
Matters that are small: Speak with humor.
Matters that did not happen: Don’t need to speak.
Matters that hurt others: Do NOT speak.
Matters that are happy: Speak in the appropriate circumstances.
Other people’s matters : Speak with care.
The elders’ matters: Listen more and speak less.
The children’s matters: Speak with guidance.
Big matters: Speak clearly and precisely.
Matters you have no confidence in: Speak cautiously.
Matters that you cannot do or deliver: Don’t anyhow say.
Unhappy matters: Find the right person to talk to.
Sad matters: Don’t start talking about it every time you meet someone.
Own matters: Listen to what others have to say about it.
Couple matters: Speak in a discussive manner.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

One Bite At a Time!

From Andrew Matthews:

Hi zzhen, 


"How do you achieve BIG goals?"

You break BIG goals into SMALL steps. 
You list all the small steps -
and then tackle each step.

Does this seem obvious?
Most people don't do it!

Let's say that your office is a mess.
You have been postponing a clean-up for two years.
Seen as ONE BIG job, it is frightening.

So you make a list of small steps ...
Step 1: tidy your desk top
Step 2. empty out the top drawer
Step 3: create new files
Step 4: clean out the bookshelf ...

One step at a time, you can do it.

Research confirms that we are more likely to tackle tasks that we can complete within 15 MINUTES.

Whether you want to write a paper, build a business, or get fit, break your goal into bite-size pieces.

Starting today:

Commit your goals to paper.
Break your big goals into "bite-size" pieces.

You'll achieve more - and you'll be happier.

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