
Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Monkey, The Coconut and The Peanuts

How do you catch a Monkey?

1.) Carve a small hole in a Coconut, just large enough for a Monkey to put its hand in.
2.) Fix the Coconut to a tree, and fill that hole with Peanuts.
3.) Said Monkey can insert hand into Coconut to grab at Peanuts.
4.) Fistful of Peanuts is too large for hand to come out of Coconut.
5.) Monkey refuses to let go of Peanuts and hence is trapped.
6.) Prepare clamp to eat Monkey Brain.

Okay, so I was kidding about point six.

You give Peanuts, you get Monkeys.

Those that let go of the Peanuts may not be Monkeys after all.

So if you want to catch something other than Monkeys, you'll have to use a different method.

This little Fable has so many things we can learn from, don't you think?


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