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I have always said that life is meaningless. We need to define it by doing things to fill up the voids. We find jobs, we study, we take up a religion, we take up a hobby, we decide our fashion sense, we gym, we travel, we fall in love, we get married etc… Everything we do in life is to give this meaningless entity a meaning… Without all these meanings, we will feel empty and we will be sad.
Some things are more valuable than others, thus, filling up a bigger void. Love usually fills up a bigger void. And that’s why we feel sadder when we fall out of love, as compared to perhaps failing an exam.
But people are good at filling up voids. Whenever there is a void, we become sad and soon, we will do something else to fill up this void…. Back to normal… There are people, however, who are unable to fill up a big void in their lives. This is when they go deeper into a depression and eventually commit suicide.
Some people kill themselves because they fall out of love. To be more precise, some people kill themselves because they fall out of love, thus creating a big void in life and they are unable to fill the emptiness up with something else. Leslie Cheung is a good example. He has all what others dream for in life and yet he ended it. He must have failed to fill up a very big void (whatever it is) and finally realise the meaninglessness of life.
Of course, not everyone will agree to this theory. I personally believe that everyone is subjected to this meaninglessness theorem whether they agree to it or not.
1. There are people who does not think that life is meaningless and continue to live life as per normal.
2. There are people who agrees that life is meaningless and that they are always depressed and suicidal (because they refuse to fill up their lives with meaning).
3. There are people who agrees that life is meaningless and keeps complaining about it being meaningless (they hate the idea of creating meanings in their lives but they do it anyway… so they complain).
4. There are people who agrees that life is meaningless but continue to live life as per normal (just like the people in ’1′
Which is you? Which is me?
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