Dear 2011, I think I've learnt so much this year. About others, about myself...
Well, just about humanity in general lol...

Dear 2011, thank you for all the lessons. Dear 2012, I'm ready, bring it on. Happy New Year 2012!!! Cheers!!!
The biggest
epiphany I've had this year is still the one about Re-la-tion-ships. To
know who are the people who really matter, and appreciate them more. It’s
tiring to deal with them for those who only give out negative. So, I choose to
ignore and block them off! Sigh*!
I've also
learnt that Relationships are dynamic. They are constantly evolving and moving
all the time. And it takes work to maintain a relationship. Until we realise
that, none of our relationships are going to be lasting, right? Be it
between family, friends or lovers. It all requires effort. Just to come home
for dinner, and have a meal together, even if it's for that one or two hours.
Just a chill session over coffee with old friends.
everything were about work & study, we'd be Robots. Haha… Take away
work & study, and we'd just be empty shells, devoid of a Soul.
So yes, my
New Year Resolution is to have more balance in my life. To set aside more time
for the people whom I care for. To see them happy. If I can achieve this, then
yes, I think it is a type of success too. And I think, maybe, just maybe, this
might be the Secret to Happiness.
On 31 Dec
2011, New Year Eve... We ( Suan & Wei Chern ) going to celebrate our
last day of hang out in year 2011 at Gurney Plaza & Gurney Paragon.
chitchating... shopping... enjoy the moment!
Lunch at
Kenny Roger's Roaster, Gurney Plaza.

Soon Gurney Paragon will be our hotspot! Haha...
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