haha... how's your result?
I will live as a writer who keeps alive the music of the language, holds head and heart together in the words, and writes in hope and passion that one person will be better because he or she reads what I wrote.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Only Time
I just have to post this....
No no no don’t get my wrong. I’m not giving any racist remarks or have anything against him. In fact, I’m a fan of Barrack Obama. I just happened to stumble over this 2 pics over the internet and i think it’s way funneh. Hahaha!!! Yeah, yes we can.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Wedding Dinner... (Chinese vs. Indian)
Never Be A Nice Guy!
My connection is back!
Just words...
Friday, May 28, 2010
Cats & Rats?
The following scene will never happen to me. It's same with me and *** in my class... We seldom talk and smile when we meet now, because we already become a cat and a rat, that's why!
Cats and Rats will never live happily together, that’s for sure, as least in my context.
Rats never like Cats
So… they will never be "friends" too.
And what’s more, Rats dun eat fish
cause Cats like the fish’s stink
If Rats eat fish
Cats will smell it… and come near to the Rats..
Rats dun like Cats
when Cats come near,
Rats will feel uneasy…
I’m a RAT.
How about you? Which one you want? hahaha...
I miss you....!
No one can tell how does it feel like, when you are being missed…
But whoever who has gone through the days of missing someone,
will sure knows how lousy the feeling is…
Puzzle - Our Friendship Is Soda-Licious
Finally already separate it into A to X group... haha...
They have their own group already, so lets start to play and sort it now...
..............5.25pm............. oh my gosh, it's so terrible to sort it! Because some of them is white in color....
Without wasting my time, i try to get 1 partner to help me solve the problem.... she is my cute housemate.... and also known as "pink lady" .... haha.... lets me share some to you all, because she like pink color, everything in the pink... eg. watch, shirt, glass, pencil case, and so on...... you can see from the picture above... oppss... talk over already, if she saw this later i sure will die... alright story end! haha... see her, so serious on playing puzzle.... it seems that i called a right people to help me but sometimes create some problem for me also... haha....
Lets see.... so cute of this puzzle.... will publish it at the wall in living room and we are now proud and excited when we done this puzzle - Our Friendship Is Soda-Licious!
???? ??????
???? ??????
???? ??????
???? ??????
???? ??????
???? ????????
Remember, Life is Beautiful… but difficult.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Two side...
There is this saying.
There is always 2 sides of us.
For any good obedient boys and gals, there’s time he or she longs to be let loose and display their rebellious side.
Evil thoughts sometimes do creep into the mind of well mannered Gentlemen and Fair Ladies.
Angels do grow horns, just that they know how to take it down.
You must be thinking why I suddenly said all these…
Well, a student of mine, whom I always thought he’s nice, displayed some attitude today, resulted in delaying everybody’s time.
And very pai seh to say, I also give a ‘black face’ in return (ya, go ahead and say I’m not professional…which I already know la!).
My apology to those I might have annoyed indirectly.
This part of me seldom appears ok… I’m generally nice la! Ha Ha
Now get over this…
Now, get over this…
When you waited for someone to text, you will receive text from another
When you long for someone’s company, most of the time, they would rather seek the company of others
"Waiting huh?" haha...
Be happy....
I stared at the ceiling.
Different thoughts run through my mind…
Then, I turned to the angel and said:
I’m fine. Dun worry about me.
I’ve been blessed with everything I could have ask for
But please take care of people I lurve,
and make them happy everyday.
Why God gave us friends??
Companionship and cheer,
He knew that people need someone
Whose thoughts are always near.
He knew they need someone kind
To lend a helping hand.
Someone to gladly take the time
To care and understand.
GOD knew that we all need someone
To share each happy day,
To be a source of courage
When troubles come our way.
Someone to be true to us,
Whether near or far apart.
Someone whose love we’ll always
Hold and treasure in our hearts.
That’s Why GOD Gave Us Friends…
Friday, May 21, 2010
Moving to new hostel...
工作时 等 上场的那刻…
约会时 等 对方的出现…
失落时 等 心情的好转…
快乐时 等 欢乐的结束…
踌躇时 等 决择的落定…
失眠时 等 周公的棋盘…
年少时 等 梦想的实践…
老来时 等 一切的结束…
一口气把 等 所浪费的时间
还回来的话… …
年轻 好几年?
Book @_@
Pictures, videos, writing… and trying very hard to remember all happenings in their hearts (umm……)
The thought of writing another book came to my mind again today…
以文字 抒发情感
它就会象 享用美食一样
给人一个细心咀嚼 用心品尝 的机会
Maybe I should really work on it… haha…
Gift, with love…
Thoughts to share…
When we are given a gift, the surface value of the gift becomes insignificant if what we treasure more is the value behind it… like who we got it from, and why it was given to us…
Only when we see no value in it, we will then not hesitate in trading it off.
It’s always sad when the person who presented the gift came to realize that how little the gift meant… especially when he or she had to go through quite a bit for it…
So, when you think of passing on a gift, think of the person who present the gift to you, and the thoughts and effort that might tag along with the gift.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I'm back....
Saturday, May 15, 2010
How mean can we get ?
Let’s try it out ( let our imagination runs wild ) and see how mean we can get… …
when some1 gives you a sweet, it’s because your mouth stinks…
when some1 gives you a bottle of perfume, it’s because you stink…
when some1 gives you a dress, it’s because you got no taste
when some1 gives you a book, it’s because you are dumb, needs to read more…
when some1 gives you a make-up set, it’s because you are ugly, so start painting your face…
when some1 gives you a audio player, it’s because you are noisy, so on the player & shut up!
when some1 gives you a jig jaw puzzle, it’s because you should stay home and not going out to scare people…
what else huh?….. @@
p/s 1: ok, i admit I’m bored…. B-)
p/s 2: look at some of the add-on from the comment box… it’s quite ‘interesting’… ahaha
Alive & Kicking...
Friday, May 14, 2010
Missing someone....
Because, even though it is one day further from the last time you saw each other,
it is one day closer to the next time you will…
The other day, my friend Ling left a comment about ‘hug’… which I find it rather meaningful too…
Hug is full of warm
Hug is full of protection
Hug is full of love
Hug is full of comfort
Hug is full of remembrance
This comment set me thinking…
When we were little, we were hugged but not knowing why…
When we grow up, we started to understand the meaning of Hugging.
The reason of why we open up our arms and embrace the one we care and love.
There’s something in a simple hug
That always warms the heart;
It welcomes us back home
And makes it easier to part.
A hug’s a way to share the joy
And sad times we go through,
Or just a way for friends to say
They like you ’cause you’re you.
Hugs are meant for anyone
For whom we really care,
From your grandma to your neighbour,
Or a cuddly teddy bear.
A hug is an amazing thing –
It’s just the perfect way
To show the love we’re feeling
But can’t find the words to say.
It’s funny how a little hug
Makes everyone feel good;
In every place and language,
It’s always understood.And hugs don’t need new equipment,
Special batteries or parts -
Just open up your arms
And open up your hearts.
Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A person reaps what he sows.
Watch your thoughts, for they become words
Watch your words, for they become actions
Watch your actions, for they become habits
Watch your habits, for they become character
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny
Will you remember me ?
Thursday, May 13, 2010
My friend classmate Yee Yin always like to say this sentences to me... This also always appear in my mind... When i think this, it's quite sorrowful & mournful to children which are in broken family...
There are broken families…
People without shelter…
Parents who lost their kids…
Kids who are going to grow up without the love of their parents…
Be thankful, if the one you care and love is still around.
Cherish their presence.
Forgive and Forget ??
Forgive and forget?
I guess it all depends…
The bond.
The importancy.
The willingness to see beyond the happenings.
Penalty: Sentenced to Death.
Key Chain
For Everything There’s a Season

For Everything There’s a Season
By Joy E. Walker Steward
We may not know the reason
For all of life’s suffering and pain,
But we know everything has its season,
So the sunshine will follow the rain;
There are even times when the sun shines
While the rain is still pouring down,
Those moments of grace God sends us,
Reminders that He’s still around;
So when adversity’s fire is burning,
Expect a cooling breeze;
Know that God is right in it with you
As He moves your growth to achieve;
Embrace His tender compassion
But yield to His discipline too
For the father loves each of his children
And knows best how to nurture you;
When life’s pruning is painful,
Don’t let bitterness enter your soul,
For when pruning is done you’ll be better,
Your heart and your spirit whole;
So if this is your season for weeping,
Know your tears will end with the night,
For joy always comes in the morning
When faith gives way to sight.